Mr. Samarendra Narayan Jena
Mr. Samarendra Narayan Jena is the Founding Director of the Company and a Social Safeguards Specialist. He has more than twenty years of experience in social impact assessment, land acquisition, poverty assessment, gender studies, Resettlement and Indigenous People’s studies for various infrastructure projects spanning across sectors like energy, transportation, tourism, urban development. He has successfully completed several ADB, World Bank, IFC, EC, JICA, AIBB etc. funded projects in India and other countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Lao-PDR, Indonesia, Timor Listee, Mongolia and Malawi. Mr. Jena holds a Master’s and M Phil degree in Sociology from the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.