We have successfully undertaken many projects in the transport sector both in India and all over the world
1. Project Name: ADB Loan (GIO): Preparation of Detailed Design for Rehabilitation of Dzirula – Kharagauli – Moliti – Pona – Chumateleti Secondary Road Section (50 km), Bidding Documents, Environmental Impact Assessment and Detailed Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
Year : 2017
Location : Georgia
Name of the Client: Asian Development Bank and the Roads Department of Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia
Narrative Description of the Project:
Asian Development Bank (ADB) has signed a loan with Georgia in June 2017 for financing toward the Rehabilitation of Dzirula – Kharagauli – Moliti -Pona - Chumateleti Secondary Road section (50 kilometer),. Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure (MRDI) is the executing agency (EA) of the Project on behalf of the Government of Georgia and the Roads Department of the MRDI (RDMRDI) is the implementing agency (IA). The project impact will be aligned with the increased economic activity in the Kharagauli municipality and surrounding regions and national connectivity. The outcome will be increased mobility and accessibility of the residents of Kharagauli municipality and tourists visiting the project area by reducing vehicle operating costs and providing time savings for road users. The project’s output will be about 50 km of improved road between Dzirula and Chumateleti, including several short access roads to the nearby national park and to Kharagauli and other railway stations.
Role on the Assignment
Our responsibilities include the following:
- Provide overall supervision and guidance to the national social development and resettlement specialist to undertake high quality assessment of social and resettlement impacts of the proposed project and to develop appropriate strategies and plans to deal with the adverse impacts and enhance inclusiveness of benefits of the project;
- Carry out detailed measuring works within the affected corridor: identify project affected land plots; verify status of land parcels (registered in Public Registry; unregistered legalizable; unregistered non-legalizable; state owned and other), recheck/verify land status as with representatives of local government as well as at National Agency of Public Registry, prepare measurement cadastral drawings and dividing drawings in case of partial acquisition of the land.
- Identify/verify project affected land owners/tenures: identification/verification process shall be carried out in close collaboration with the representatives of local government and it should be based on information and materials furnished by them about land owners/tenures.
- In the presence and with the participation of identified land owners/tenures, representatives of local government and design organization (confirm with signature) carry out inventory/census of each project affected land parcel and attached buildings/structures (if any) by utilization of preliminary worked out Inventory Form. Prepare measurement drawing for each building/structure. Relevant photo feature (project affected land plot, building/structure, annual and perennial plants of assessed property) for each affected land plot shall be provided.
- Study socio-economic conditions of each project affected family, collect information on vulnerable families and determine relevant compensations complying with ADB SPS 2009 requirements.
- Arrange public consultations with project affected population. Prepare and distribute informative booklets at Municipality/village level. Photos reflecting public consultations and Minutes should be attached to LARP;
- Prepare draft/final resettlement action plan (including summary table and annexes developed according to each land parcel). Submit draft plan to Employer, incorporate comments and send final plan for approval.
2 Project Name: Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of Khurja- Pilkhani Section (about 222 Kms long) of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (World Bank Funded).
Year : 2013-2015
Location : India
Name of the Client: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation India Limited (DFCCIL) and the World Bank
Narrative Description of the Project:
This is a World Bank Funded Project for which DFCCL is undertaking the detailed Social impact assessment and preparation of Resettlement Action Plan for the dedicated railway corridor. The Project has large scale land acquisition and involuntary resettlement. Approximately 6,000 households are being affected by the land acquisition
Role on the Assignment
Our responsibilities include the following:
- carrying out 100% census surveys of all affected households (both title holders and non-titleholders)
- Baseline Socio-Economic surveys of affected households.
- Carrying out public consultations
- Preparation of Social Impact Assessment Report
- Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan as per the GoI's Policies and Acts and World Bank's Policies on Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples.
- As part of RAP, the task includes, preparation of livelihood restoration strategy, relocation strategy, compensation entitlement and eligibility etc.
3. Project Name: TA-8411 GEO: Secondary Road Improvement Project – Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design
Year : 2017-2018
Location : Georgia
Name of the Client: Asian Development Bank
Name of the Client: Asian Development Bank
Narrative Description of the Project:
The Government of Georgia has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) financing for the second road improvement project. The project road is a secondary road from Dzirula to Chumateleti, about 50 km in length. The main outcome of the project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) is to prepare a feasibility study and a preliminary design. The project also will provide an opportunity to test the use of a geographical information system for managing environmental and social issues more effectively.
Role on the Assignment
Our responsibilities include the following:
- undertake assessment of social and resettlement impacts of the proposed project and to develop appropriate strategies and plans to deal with the adverse impacts and enhance inclusiveness of benefits of the project including preparation of land acquisition and resettlement plan.
- Conduct a poverty and social analysis
- Prepare the poverty and social analysis annex, including (a) a Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy (SPRSS) and (b) a social development monitoring and action plan (SDMAP) which will address other social dimensions (i.e., the poor, gender, disabled, elderly, etc.) as well as for non-safeguard issues (i.e., labor, health, safety, etc.) and will design an appropriate consultation and participation plan for the project implementation.
- Conduct a gender analysis